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Video Links

The HPV Vaccine

Understanding Vaccines

What is HPV?

Men Talk HPV

Understanding HPV-Student Video

Are You Human?

Lady Ganga: Nilza's Story

How I recommend HPV vaccination

What is HPV?

What is a cervical cancer screening test?

You've Gotta Do It Now

HPV risk for oral cancer | Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Head and Neck Cancer Awareness

Another Awesome HPV Video!

HPV Video From Boston Public Heath Commission

HPV Video en Espanol

Check out this wonderful PSA from Boston Public Health Commission.

The HPV Vaccine, and Why Your Kids Should Get It: Healthcare Triage #4

Check out this wonderful, and easy to understand video on the HPV vaccine.

‘Someone You Love: The HPV Epidemic’--now available at home!

Dr. Fishbein on HPV and cervical cancer

Cervivor School

Lady Ganga--

When her doctors told her that she only had a few months to live, Michele Baldwin decided to do just that.