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Team Maureen


Saturday, May 9, 2020

Team Maureen

Moms Run Away

Moms Run Away

Celebrate this Mother's Day by being virtually together, while being physically apart. Team Maureen, a Falmouth nonprofit that aims to end cervical cancer by educating about the HPV-cancer connection, and the importance of prevention and early detection, will host Moms Run Away—a virtual fun run all day Saturday and Sunday, May 9th and 10th. The run is for the whole family, and can be done safely at home.

While we are physically apart this Mother's Day weekend, we can virtually come together to run or walk for our own health, in honor of a loved one, because we are grateful, or just to get out of the house. All proceeds from this event benefit Team Maureen, a nonprofit organization devoted to educating about the HPV-cancer connection and the importance of prevention and early detection.

HOW TO RUN: Register for the race by clicking "tickets". Set aside time to run or walk on Mother's Day Weekend (May 9 and 10) Pick any distance you want! Or skip the run altogether if you want. Before or after your run, post a picture on Team Maureen's Facebook page of yourself, your race route, or your post-run reward. You can include in your photo a sign or photo of who you are running for, or what you're grateful for in these difficult times. (Email photos are also ok--send to

PRIZES: All registrants will be entered into a raffle to win an overnight stay at the Sea Crest Beach Hotel. The highest donor will also be honored with a coveted 12-pack of toilet paper! Additional fun prizes will be awarded to those with: Most Creative Outfit Running with the most dogs Youngest/oldest runner The longest distance Please practice social distancing during your run, and continue to abide by the recommendations outlined by the CDC to prevent the spread of COVID-19. By donating to participate you are acknowledging that you are running/walking this event on your own, and at your own risk. Team Maureen assumes no responsibility for you following the CDC recommendations to prevent COVID-19 spread, or injuries sustained on your run/walk.

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